Helping you become your authentic self living the life you want

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that is essentially a very deep guided interactive meditation very intentionally crafted to achieve a goal. I specialise in addressing low self-worth and its various manifestations, such as recurring life patterns, procrastination, addictions, and much more.

Life Areas


Mirrors: Repeating patterns you experience over and over again

Triggers: Negative emotions, limiting beliefs, traumas.

Lack of self-worth, self-esteem, confidence

Relationship with money

Insomnia, Anxiety, Jaw clenching

Getting over a breakup

Addictions: Drinking, smoking, gambling, internet, etc.

Relationships issues like dysfunctional attachment styles

I Can Help You With



Public speaking

Identifying the blockages in achieving goals

Weight loss

Phobias: Fear of flying, fear of heights, etc.

Stress management

Pain management

and more…

Providing you with a safe space to relax

I conduct in-person sessions in my calming hypnotherapy space located in Sunrise in Byron Bay.


In-person and online options

My office space is conveniently located in Sunrise. Can’t make it into the hypnotherapy room? No worries – I’ve got you covered with online sessions. Online sessions are just as effective and have some advantages, like making session integration easier, allowing you to nap, journal, take a bath, or have tea right after the session.

Research shows our subconscious mind

is the driver of almost 95% of all the manifestations, actions, habits and physical health. 

Did you know that

according to a study by Alfred A. Barrios published in a Psychotherapy journal; Hypnotherapy created a 93% recovery after 6 sessions, all the while behaviour therapy was 72% after 22 sessions and psychoanalysis was 38% after 600 sessions. 

My Offerings

  • Free No Obligatory Discovery Calls

  • Individual Hypnotherapy Sessions

  • Hypnotherapy Packages

  • Personalised Hypnotherapy Recordings

My own personal definition for hypnotherapy:

“Hypnotherapy is a fast-acting healing technique

held in sessions  

either in person or online 

directly working on the subconscious mind bypassing the conscious mind  

by utilising the brain waves states that is accessible to anyone  

for super fast and long lasting success. ”

~ Selin Ebeci

Get started with hypnotherapy, today.