Cornelia Truemper - Dancer, Performer and Yoga Teacher at Hov Yoga

Dale Simone Roberts - Graphic Designer

Jessica Steenekamp - Sage Kinesiology, South Africa

Lisa Jane Spencer - Instagram Influencer at @lisajanespencer, Musician

Serena Calò - Mangia Amore Mangia (Sicilian Street Food) in Byron Bay

Working with Selin has really changed my perspectives on my behaviours and my life. From our first session I saw immediate improvements. She took my concerns seriously, didn't judge and offered real practical and gentle solutions to me. I didn't feel like it was all up to me, as I've often found with other treatments, I felt supported and engaged.  
I was struggling with Gambling Addiction and some other maladaptive behaviours, that fell out of that, when we first started working together and through Selin’s techniques and her gentle approach I've been able to stop gambling after many years of trying and not succeeding. My self-esteem has now improved, I've learned to reduce the chaos in my life and to be more structured in my behaviours and emotions. 
Due to my headspace, my work performance was also suffering and I was less open to change and learning than I had been, the result was that I was on the path to losing my job through disinterest and complacency. Selin showed me that it was possible to learn and grow by seeing changes not for what they were doing to me, but for what they could do for me. This simple perspective change led to me being back on a better path at work and even opened up some new opportunities in areas I was interested in. 
I'd highly recommend a series of sessions with Selin to anyone that wants to get out of the rut in their lives and see that they deserve something better.  It's a wonderful and fulfilling journey.
~Mark Monaghan, Brisbane

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