Hello, my name is Selin, and I have been a hypnotherapist since 2018. I specialize in addressing low self-worth and its various manifestations, such as recurring life patterns, procrastination, addictions, and much more; additionally, I assist my clients in other areas of their lives.

My story

After graduating with a degree in computer science engineering, I worked as a software engineer for years until I encountered hypnosis at a self-development festival in 2013. At the time, I had no idea how my computer science and analytical skills were going to bring so much value as a hypnotherapist. During a group hypnosis session, I addressed a traumatic memory of a violent attack I experienced at age 15. This memory haunted me for years until the session, which remarkably alleviated its impact. Now, I reflect on the memory as distant and neutral. The experience profoundly affected me, as no kind of therapy previously could help me the way a single group hypnosis session did, not even one that was specifically tailored to me.

My second encounter with hypnosis…

In 2015, I experienced a very traumatic breakup with my then-boyfriend, who unreasonably maintained contact with his ex during our relationship. This left me with low self-worth and lingering depression. Coincidentally, I then encountered an NLP facilitator, which can be thought of as a form of hypnotherapy. I worked with her to address my confusion, heartbreak, and anger, particularly focusing on the low self-worth that led me into that relationship and fuelled my post-breakup anger. Remarkably, not only did my anger dissipate, but I also emerged from depression, and my self-worth increased significantly. This growth brought me to a point where I wouldn't enter a similar relationship again. I thrived during that year of hypnosis, prompting me to wonder how hypnosis alone helped me overcome such significant trauma.

My studies

After experiencing the positive impact of hypnosis in my life, I decided to delve deeper into the field and pursue studies in hypnotherapy in 2018. My curiosity was driven by a desire to understand its effectiveness and to be able to self-hypnotize. This motivation now motivates me to teach my clients self-hypnosis techniques. During my studies, conducting case studies on clients revealed my passion for running sessions and witnessing the transformative effects of hypnotherapy. The feedback from my clients affirmed my abilities - aka my ikigai and fuelled my passion for the mind and hypnotherapy. Since then, I've been dedicated to continuous learning, drawing parallels between the subconscious mind and computer science structures, and applying analytical skills to enhance my practice. This journey solidified my decision to pursue hypnotherapy as a career, and I've been seeing clients since 2018. I remain deeply passionate about the mind, continually learning new skills, and staying updated with new research. Most recently, I completed the Grace Method Hypnotherapy school in 2024.

My interests

I am also a daily meditator, tango dancer, beach lover, and a yoga teacher.

I walk my talk and receive a hypnotherapy session weekly and self-hypnotise daily.

My Offerings

Discovery Call

Online, free, no obligation. This offering is designated educate you on hypnosis and hypnotherapy, answer your questions, understand what you like to work on, then to check to see if we can work together.

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Hypnotherapy Session

In-person, I work this time will be spent time understanding your personal goals, share information about hypnosis and hypnotherapy then craft a session for you for your personal goals and facilitate the therapeutic hypnotherapy work.

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Online session

Online, this 90 mins session is a private hypnotherapy session exactly like the in-person one but we connect via a video call. The advantage of an online session is that the integration is so much easier after the session.

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Hypnosis Audio

For existing clients only, this offering helps create hypnotic fractionation. The more often you come in and come out of the hypnotic state, you go deeper and deeper, that’s fractionation in hypnosis. I use the information I gathered during the sessions to create a personalised 15-20 mins hypnosis audio crafted for your personal goals. By listening to this audio in between sessions, you can not only elevate the results but also fasten the outcome.

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Get started with hypnotherapy, today.