Is hypnosis mind control? Will you control me under hypnosis?

There is no mind control, there is no control at all except the one you have. Hypnosis is a psycho-physiological state of aroused, attentive, receptive, focal concentration with a corresponding diminution in peripheral awareness. Which means.. I can guide you into that state during a hypnotherapy session by a process called  hypnotic induction. Basically saying cues to deeply relax you. Like “You realise now your eyes are wonderfully deeply relaxed. Your eyes are so wonderfully deeply relaxed that they just want to stay closed.” Then in hypnosis, the conscious mind takes a little nap, and the subconscious mind becomes accessible. Then we use visualisation and suggestions to achieve the changes on the subconscious mind. 

Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

You won’t be blacking out during the sessions, you are awake in a relaxed brain wave state. Although I don’t advise it, you are able to come out anytime you need to by simply opening your eyes and moving your body.

Is it a truth serum and will I spill out all of my dark secrets?

It is not a truth serum and you won’t be spilling out all your secrets. It is the exact opposite, you are more in control under hypnosis than you are not. 

What about the stage shows and the pendulum?

Pendulum is an old hypnosis technique in old literature, we don’t use pendulum or watches to tire or bore you into a hypnotic state anymore.

The hypnosis stage show is a show, and people attending to these shows are volunteers. Anybody who raised their hand after the hypnotist raised his or her hand is showing subconscious compliance, meaning open suggestibility.

The hypnotist removes the attendees from the stage who won’t follow the instructions.  Then only some choose to and likes to follow the suggestions stay on the stage. Hypnosis helps break down inhibitions, so these individuals can display actions they would enjoy displaying, but otherwise feel shy doing so.

I cannot be hypnotised.

Everyone is hypnotisable. Unfortunately, no one is that special to not to be hypnotised. The hypnotic brain state happens when we are in theta brain wave state. When we turn the lights off and go to bed our brainwaves will descend from beta, to alpha, to theta and finally, when we fall asleep, to delta. All day long, we transition from one to the other and we go in and out of the hypnotic theta brain wave state. This means hypnotic brain wave state is accessible to everyone and everyone is hypnotisable. 

Am I failing if I am thinking thoughts during the hypnotherapy session?

Conscious thoughts during hypnosis do not interfere with the success of it. I feel someone is walking around telling everyone trying to learn how to meditate or get hypnotherapy sessions that they are failing if they are thinking thoughts and they shouldn’t be thinking thoughts. Ultimately it is impossible to stop the mind from thinking like it is impossible to stop yourself from breathing no matter how hard you tried. And as mentioned hypnosis is a guided interactive meditation. You thinking thoughts during hypnosis is as ok as you thinking thoughts during meditation. The great thing is it is easier to enter the hypnotic state with the hypnosis than it is with meditation. Hypnosis takes you to a much deeper brain wave state than meditation.

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