The Science of Manifestation

You might be so surprised with this fact but manifestation is now accepted as a scientific subject that is being researched on.

Today I will talk about the map of manifestation.

The first item of the map is the Mind. And the mind has several factors in this map.

The first one is unblocking the subconscious blocks. As a hypnotherapist, I work with my clients to remove these limiting beliefs. I had a client session most recently where my client felt blocked to voice her opinions due to the fear of feeling shame. Once we worked on it, only in one session, she started posting on social media showing her art work which contributed her tripling her following. Another client that I worked with, was so blocked, instead of working on her passion projects, she slept for 10 hours every night. Once we worked on the subconscious, she started waking up at 6 am naturally, so she had this extra 1.5 hours to work on her passion projects before she starts her day.

Secondly, believing and expecting are also about our mind. You need to believe what you need is available to you and possible for you. Again using the hypnotherapy tools, I am able to help clients to find evidence and sometimes when we do unblocking, evidence starts presenting itself all naturally.

The second item on the map is the body.

First one is the conscious movement practices and the breath-work. These have not only a direct affect on the mental and emotional health, but also, they help improving the energy channels in the body which is measurable. Having a rock solid emotional world is a must for manifestation. I personally use a twice daily meditation practice to work on my emotional world and teach my meditation practice to the loved ones so they can manage their emotional body and become emotionally resilient.

Another factor around the body is our physical environment. Clearing space, by decluttering any physical space like dropping the people, habits, clothes, furniture, food etc that won’t serve us, you can skyrocket the speed of manifestation. Clearing space is very much underestimated, and I cannot describe how important it is in manifestation. Another factor relates to the body is taking actions. This is highly relevant to the intuition. Following the intuition and taking the actions is very important when it comes to manifest. An action could be saying no to things, it could be spending time with certain people or signing up to a new yoga school or going on a hike.

The third item on the map is identity. Our intuition is a part of our identity. I find it easier to teach and understand this concept by imagining that we all have different versions of ourselves in parallel universes.

In my practice, I use a method called parts integration to help the client connect with their intuition and resolve any fears or resistance to hear their intuition.

Defining one’s identity is a very personal journey. For example, my gender - being a female and my nationality are a major part of my identity, also now being Australian is becoming a part of it. For someone else, their political views could be a major part of their identity.

Another factor in identity is the shadow work. What we are denying in ourselves could be a blockage in the process of manifestation. Shadow work is essentially a shame work, but not all shame work is shadow work. Using hypnosis, one can see their shadow and start accepting every part of themselves.

What I came to realise is that in order to manifest we need to hit it from many different angles.

Happy manifesting!